It’s all about Puppies
In order to place service dogs, you have to have puppies. To that end, we have our membership in the North American Breeding Cooperative from which we receive puppies and our own breeding program as a source of little ones. We just received two pups, a male and a female through the breeding cooperative. They come from Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Paws (EENP) in North Carolina. Recently, we breed one of our own dogs in hopes to have a litter late spring. Read below to learn more about our new puppies and Nani, our breed dog.
This sweet female is named Baldwin in honor of a major donor's friend. She had no issue with posing in the basket.
Baldwin's brother, Lincoln, as you can see, he wanted nothing to do with the basket! He was named by our generous corporate sponsor, Brown Collision Center in Charlottesville.
Nani was donated to us last fall by Guide Dogs of America in California where she passed all of her clearances for breeding. In early March she traveled to Susquehanna Service Dogs and was bred to Chance. Keep your fingers crossed that she is expecting and will have a healthy litter of adorable pups.
Nani loves to train, chew nylabones, play keep-away with toys, and be close to her person.