Support SDV

It costs approximately $40,000 over a two-year period to raise, train, and place a successful service dog. Whether you choose to give financially, donate your time or supplies, you can help support our mission.

  • A man kneeling and holding a black dog outside near a building, surrounded by trees and plants. The man is wearing a black shirt and a cap.

    Monetary Gifts

    Our mission is to provide highly trained service and facility dogs FREE of charge. This is possible thanks to the generous gifts from our donors. You can make a monthly or one-time gift.

  • Yellow Labrador Retriever wearing a red harness lying on the floor of a pet store aisle.

    Donate Supplies

    SDV goes through a lot of supplies that we need to replenish regularly. Consider donating an item from our wish list or supply list

  • Labrador Retriever wearing a red harness, standing on a sidewalk.

    Sponsor a dog

    Sponsoring a service dog in training is a unique way to help the puppies of today become the service dogs of tomorrow.

  • Black dog sitting in the driver's seat of a car, wearing a purple collar, with a leash on the seat.

    Vehicle Donation

    Have a car you are no longer using? Donate it to SDV! Support us by donating your unwanted vehicle.

  • Smiling child with a service dog on a deck with trees in the background.

    Gifts of Stock

    A Stock Gift is another popular way to support our mission and may provide you with significant tax benefits.

  • Black Labrador puppy wearing a red vest in front of an American flag.

    Workplace Giving Prorgams

    Many employers match charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. Find out if your company has a matching gift policy.

  • Two people holding a large donation check for $5,300 from Pearl's Bake Shoppe to Service Dogs of Virginia, with a black service dog lying in the foreground.

    Corporate Sponsorships

    We welcome corporate sponsors for financial support and for the ability to reach more people about our mission and programs. In turn, sponsoring SDV can help a company achieve some significant benefits.

  • Police officer with a motorcycle and a service dog beside him in a parking lot.

    Naming Sponsorships

    Sponsor a Service Dogs of Virginia puppy and you can name a superhero!

  • A Labrador retriever holding a plush toy in its mouth, standing in front of shelves filled with folded clothes. A Kroger Plus Shoppers Card logo is overlaid on the left side of the image.

    Kroger Community Reward Prorgam

    Through the Community Rewards program, a portion of your purchases will go to Support Service Dogs of Virginia.