Please Note: You must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia to apply. Service Dogs of Virginia DOES NOT train dogs for: hearing or visual impairment, balance, psychiatric disorders or seizures. Thank you.

In evaluating whether an applicant may successfully participate in our program, we consider the following criteria:

  • Must be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia

  • Must be at least 18 years of age

  • Must have a fenced in yard. Apartment dwellers will be evaluated on a case by case basis

  • Show the ability and willingness to interact with the dog and provide for the dog’s emotional and physical well-being

  • Residences must maintain a smoke-free environment for the placement of SDV service and facility dogs

  • Provide for the dog’s financial needs (see Estimate of Expenses below)

  • Possess the maturity and cognitive functioning to learn the skills required in team training to effectively control and manage the dog

  • Seek to increase their independence through the assistance of a service dog

  • Be able to attend 2-week team training at SDV facility in Charlottesville, VA (scheduled from approximately 10 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday, for two consecutive weeks). SDV does not provide transportation, lodging, meals, or otherwise offer financial stipends for attendees during these training sessions.

  • Applicant’s medical situation should enable the candidate to work with the dog for the entirety of dog’s working life (approx. 10 years)

  • Must meet the requirements for the specific program they are applying to: See Programs for more details

  • Be able to take Public Access Test annually for the working life of the dog

Estimate of Expenses

Because we don’t pass on the full cost of training a service dog, we rely on donations to make our work possible. SDV has many expenses associated with the training and placement of each dog. We ask our clients who receive a dog to help those still on the waiting list by Paying It Forward (see below). Other expenses to consider include:

Application Fee: $100 (non-refundable), payable when submitting a completed application. Note: the fee is not required for the preliminary application.

Fenced Yard Expense: A fenced yard is a requirement for receiving a dog from SDV. More information will be provided during the interview process. This expense is the responsibility of the client and would depend on various factors such as materials, labor, and size. Electric fences are not acceptable. People in apartments are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Transfer Camp Fee: $1000 due the first day of Transfer Camp and non-refundable; most of this fee is used to buy supplies for the client’s “take home kit” when they leave SDV with their dog.

Transfer Camp - accommodations & meals: costs depend on which hotel you stay at in Charlottesville during the two week transfer camp; you’re also responsible for covering the costs of all meals during your stay.

After Graduation: On average, it costs $2,285 per year to care for a Service Dog, including:

  • Dog food: approximately $60/month or $720/year; we will recommend suitable, premium dog food using human grade ingredients that provide optimal nutrition for a working dog.

  • Monthly heartworm, tick and flea preventatives: $400/year

  • Regular veterinary care: Your vet may offer a discount for a Service Dog. We estimate the cost of vet care to be approximately $200/year for well dog maintenance. This will include a well dog check-up, annual heartworm check, immunizations as needed, and other routine care.

  • Replacement equipment: including, but not limited to vests, leashes, collars, and bowls. SDV can provide these items to you at cost. Budget: $25/year.

  • Toys and treats: approximately $180/year.

  • Required Pet Health Insurance –approximately $60/month or $780/year

If you are interested for applying for a service dog, please read through the Application Process for details.

Applicants will be considered without regard to race, sex, religion, creed, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, or age.

Step 3. Is a Service Dog Right for You?

Back to How to Apply